It is my sincere prayer the cards available from Poets With Passion Inspirational Treasures
will touch your heart and brighten your day, enable you to tell a friend you care,
or say 'I love you' to that special someone in your life.

 I wish you love, peace and happiness ~ Have a wonderful day!

To send a greeting card........
Step 1.]
 select from the categories index below.

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Painting 'Immersion" by Patrick Reynolds is used with written permission from Patrick Reynolds

My sincere thanks to the authors and artists whose gifts of love and inspiration
have been used in the creation of these free greeting cards.

~ Site Disclaimer ~

It is my intention to present this free greeting card facility
so that it may be viewed by all interested parties.
The original authors (where known) are
given credit for their work.
If there is an uncredited piece on this site where the
author or source is known and has not been noted,
please email Judy so that appropriate
credit may be established.
~ Thank You ~